“It Is Good To Be Back Home After Ten Weeks Overseas”: The Spring 2023 Haddington House Newsletter Is Now Available

“We started with being involved at Campbeltown Free Church in the Kintyre Peninsula of Scotland…

Then it was on to Dumisani Theological Institute & Bible School in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (see the attached short article on this). The Lord blessed us with many excellent meetings while in South Africa and opportunities for service.

It is now exciting to be at the stage of preparing for the release (and distribution across Africa for Bible colleges) of volume one of the mission survey work. A brief report and details of a sponsorship program which we have now developed with the publisher are included in this newsletter…

Read the Spring 2023 Newsletter here.

The Winter 2023 Haddington House Newsletter Is Now Available

In this issue, you will read about some endeavours in the recent past. Once again, each is a testimony to God’s grace. Yet 2023 is now at hand, and it is time to look forward, time to remind ourselves to press on for the advancement of the Lord’s Kingdom and our eternal calling in Christ Jesus. — Dr. Jack Whytock

Philippians 3:1314 “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

The Whytocks are on their way to Scotland and Africa. Read all about it, along with important updates on the textbook project and 2022 events here.