Originally published in 2007, Robertson’s apologetic takes the form of a series of letters to prominent UK atheist biologist Richard Dawkins. The letters take on Dawkins, chapter by chapter.
- 1. Dawkins’ Delusion
- 2. A Religious Non-Believer
- 3. Respect
- 4. The God Hypothesis
- 5. Arguments for God’s Existence
- 6. Why there almost certainly is a God
- 7. The Roots and Evil of Religion
- 8. The Roots of Morality: why are we good?
- 9. The Good Book and the Moral Zeitgeist
- 10. Childhood Abuse and Gap Theology
- 11. Final Letter to the Reader – Why Believe?
The Reverend David Andrew Robertson was the Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland for 2015-2016. In June 2019, he left his role of Minister at St. Peter’s Free Church in Dundee, Scotland (the historic church of Robert Murray McCheyne) to lead a new evangelism project in Sydney, Australia.