Summer 2023 Updates

Good news: The 2023 Haddington House Journal is at the printer and will be available at the end of July in time for our August lecture series. 

More good News: The opening Haddington House Summer Lecture will be held August 1st: 

Speakers: Peter Aiken, Ross Morrison, Jack Whytock

Chair:  Stephen Plouffe

Theme: We Have Been Here Before

Time: 7:00 pm   

Place: Desable Free Church, PEI 

All Welcome

Desable Free Church, PEI 

Summer Speaking Schedule for the Director of Haddington House

June 4th United Reformed Church am & pm, Winsloe, PEI

June 18th Alexandra Baptist Church am, PEI

June 25th Alexandra Baptist Church am, PEI

July 2nd  Western Charge Free Church am & pm, PEI

July 9th Western Charge Free Church am & pm, PEI

July 16th Irving Memorial Chapel am, Bouctouche, NB

August 1st (Tuesday) Haddington House Summer Lecture pm, Free Church, Desable, PEI

August 8th (Tuesday) Haddington House Summer Lecture pm, Free Church, Desable, PEI

August 13th Western Charge Free Church am & pm, PEI

August 20th Western Charge Free Church am & pm, PEI

August 27th Alberton Baptist Church, PEI

Irving Memorial Chapel, Bouctouche NB

“It Is Good To Be Back Home After Ten Weeks Overseas”: The Spring 2023 Haddington House Newsletter Is Now Available

“We started with being involved at Campbeltown Free Church in the Kintyre Peninsula of Scotland…

Then it was on to Dumisani Theological Institute & Bible School in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa (see the attached short article on this). The Lord blessed us with many excellent meetings while in South Africa and opportunities for service.

It is now exciting to be at the stage of preparing for the release (and distribution across Africa for Bible colleges) of volume one of the mission survey work. A brief report and details of a sponsorship program which we have now developed with the publisher are included in this newsletter…

Read the Spring 2023 Newsletter here.