Good news! — the container which left from Halifax, NS in late December has now safely arrived at Africa Reformation Theological Seminary, Uganda — one of our partner institutions. It arrived at the Seminary on March 14th. PTL.
Category Archives: Book Ministry
Container is off to Uganda!
Almost 12,000 pounds was in the Container heading for Uganda. It sailed from the port of Halifax and is heading first to the port of Mombasa in Kenya then across land to Kampala, Uganda. The library, bibles and furnishings for the classrooms were all in this container.
Thanks to everyone who has made this venture possible.
Haddington House Winter Newsletter now out
Click here for Haddington House Newsletter #29 December 2016
Dear Friends,
Greetings as another year draws to a close. We are thankful to have this opportunity to give an update from Haddington House and you will no doubt notice a theme in this issue of our newsletter. We have decided to concentrate on the theme of library development for theological education and training – one of the four aspects of our ministry. Books may not audibly speak, but they actually do speak! Libraries may be quiet places, but they are places where lives are transformed.
However, before we go to the theme of library work, we would like to give thanks to the Lord for the work of Christina Lehmann on the occasion of her retirement from Haddington House.
Dr. Jack Whytock, Director
Packing up books for Africa
Theological Books Project for East and Central Africa
Haddington House is co-ordinating a shipping container of theological educational books for East and Central Africa. Literally thousands of theological books and Bibles will be shipped to help strengthen theological training in these regions of Africa. We are very excited about this major project! Sound theological educational materials can be dropped off at Haddington House over the next week. Also, please contact us if you would rather drop off books in Halifax.