Fruits of the HH Book Ministry

Early this fall we were able to send a large box of theological books as well as Haddington House publications to a Bible college in Zambia. Here is part of the note of thanks we recently received from them: “On behalf of our Bible Institute, we are humbled to you and your ministry for helping us with theological books for library purpose as we had no books at all. Thank you so much for the good work you are doing for God and may God bless you abundantly.” This picture was attached to his email:  Books received at Bible school in Zambia

Thank you to all who have made donations in support of this valuable ministry of Haddington House!


Recent Publication

DACB logo

An article by our director, Dr. Whytock, has been accepted and is now available on the electronic Dictionary of African Christian Biography. Click here to see his article on Carl Hugo Gutsche, 19th century German Baptist missionary to South Africa.


NEWS!! Haddington House Journal on international journal website!

Readers will be delighted to learn that back issues of the HaddingtonBiblical Studies Logo House Journal are now available not only on our own website but also on the highly popular website in the U.K. – Biblical This site has over 18,000 articles with 70 different journals. Being added to this popular site has greatly increased our worldwide presence. Good news is worth sharing – we thought that you would be as excited as we are. Students, here is a treasure of resources for free!

New books for Dumisani library

          In January we received several books at Haddington House for library development work overseas. Some of these were in almost new condition and were full sets together with a variety of single volumes. These were all shipped out in January to Dumisani Theological Institute in King William’s Town, South Africa. We are delighted to report that they have arrived and are now being catalogued (May). Here are three photos of these sets being added into the Dumisani Library. Thank you to the donors and those who helped with shipping as such greatly helps for library development work at this college.

New encyclopedia set

Nancy & Student in Dumisani Library

One of books donated to Dumisani Library