Haddington House Spring 2018 Newsletter now out

Click here for the Spring 2018 Haddington House Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I hope that you will enjoy reading updates in this Spring newsletter on the various aspects of ministry through Haddington House Trust. Before you begin reading, I want to take this opportunity to personally say “thank you” to the many who have sent cards, written emails, visited, helped, provided meals, and called during the recent illness of my wife, Nancy. Thank you so much for all your expressions of love and concern. We are now at the four-month point and we are still seeing many signs of continuing improvement. The road to recovery is long but thank you so much for surrounding us along the way. You have given tremendous encouragement.

Yours in the Lord,
Jack Whytock, Director


Click here for the Spring 2018 Haddington House Newsletter

January-February 2018 Household Bible Reading Plan (Updated for final Week 8 – February 19-28)

For the months of January and February a daily Household Bible Reading Plan will be posted on the Haddington House website. A request was made to try such and so we are going to try this and see how it develops. It will be posted Under the Resources tab.

– JC Whytock, Director

Update: Week 8 – February 19-28 has been posted. To access, click on Resources -> Articles/Devotionals tabs.

Urgent Need: (Updated)

To help our African partner college to accelerate the goal of reaching self-sustainability, Haddington House in Canada is immediately receiving donations at year-end (2017) and into January (2018). These designated donations will help accelerate projects at its partner college, Dumisani Theological Institute in the Eastern Cape with renovations and building needs to accommodate visiting lecturers etc which are necessary to facilitate the transition plan for the college towards sustainability.
This was to have been a longer transition but in the providence of the Lord this is now been accelerated.
J.C. Whytock, Director


Update Dec. 22: The Donate button is working again. The need is still urgent, and the opportunity great. To support the Dumisani Acceleration Fund, click Donate at the top right. Thank you for your help.