Africa Textbook Research Underway

This huge project on the history of evangelical Presbyterian missions and churches on the continent of Africa has commenced. Dr. & Mrs. Whytock have been working at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa in the various libraries there. They have been delighted to find primary documents and many rare manuscripts that they hope will contribute to the interest and value of the textbook.

Also, many others (from across Africa as well as on other continents) have shown an interest in researching and writing. We are thankful for the network of interest and cooperation that is developing. Please pray for this network to continue to grow and pray for each contributor as he or she pieces together part of the great tapestry of this story.

Thank you for your part in this work.

For information about the project, click here.

January-March 2020 Haddington House Newsletter

The January-March 2020 Haddington House Newsletter is now available. Click here for Dr. Whytock’s new year’s greeting, and all the latest publishing and seminary news from Haddington House. Please consider sharing this Newsletter with your friends. Many thanks. “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it”.

ANNOUNCING a three-year publication project co-ordinated by Haddington House Trust 2020-2023 WORKING TITLE: From Cairo to Cape Town: Presbyterian Missions and Churches in Africa



The 200th Anniversary of The Establishment of The First Presbytery on The Continent Of Africa

Basic Parameters

  • to use a connectional basis to the Westminster Confession and/or Shorter Catechism as a linkage constitutionally or practically for inclusion purposes 
  • to focus upon the evangelical tradition of Presbyterianism 
  • to include dates from the beginnings to 2022 
  • to produce a book with several chapters with a variety of contributors


  • to promote the writing of Presbyterian mission and church history for African church history
  • to promote exchanges through this project and new networks so people become aware of one another and of other missions and churches, agencies, etc. who have or continue to be involved in Africa 
  • to produce this work as a textbook for theological training institutions for classes and libraries across Africa and also globally


  • identify and find writers who can assemble chapters for this collection
  • edit work and provide a forum for writing and publication
  • produce a new textbook for African church history

The following topics as chapters will be considered:

  • denominational histories/mission and church
  • regional histories
  • specialized ministries 
  • institutional development/history, e.g., schools, hospitals medical, other
  • diaspora
  • controversies
  • themes
  • Ethiopianism, Presbyterianism
  • other

From Cairo to Cape Town: Presbyterian Missions and Churches in Africa

Haddington House Trust 2020-2023

Style and Format:

  • all chapters must contain a bibliography at the end of the chapter
  • maximum word count will be between 8,000 and 10,000 words 
  • average article lengths of 5,000 are encouraged 
  • footnoting style should be kept fairly light and not take over the page
  • no remuneration but each contributor will receive one complimentary published copy 


  • chapter or section proposals welcome early in 2020 addressed to the general editor ( proposals of 250 to 500 words should be sent, stating the area which is being proposed)
  • the general editor will also be contacting potential contributors
  • deadline for draft text submissions will be January 1st, 2022 but the editor will accept drafts for examination and consultation before that date
  • editing and returns, if necessary, for rewrites, where needed, will be done throughout 2022 
  • no draft text will be received after January 1st, 2022 
  • typesetting and publishing will be done in 2023 

Book launches and lectures in 2024

  • some chapters will also be read by others  
  • all contributors will be encouraged to be collaborative and exchange draft chapters where there may be possible overlap, etc.

December Update – Graduation day!

Dear Friends, 

Thank you for your prayers this fall.

Dr. Jack Whytock arrived home on December 1st- after some flight changes due to winter storms, but all worked out well in the end! Here are some praise updates —

• All teaching & tutoring for 2019 is finished.

• The last of the tutoring for North-West courses for Dumisani is now complete.

• The Dumisani 40th anniversary tour and the talk, “The Vital Importance of the Bible School Movement” to celebrate Dumisani’s 40th anniversary is also now finished. 

• The three courses at Africa Reformation Theological Seminary (ARTS) in Kampala, Uganda were Westminster historical theology, Church and Missions History in Africa, and Calvin’s Institutes. Excellent groups of students in each of those three courses. Graduation day at ARTS is today, Saturday, Dec 7th.

• Thanks be to the Lord for excellent Sunday translators in local churches.

Now editing, writing and preparing new lectures will be the focus for the next couple of months to prepare for ministry in 2020. We covet your prayers for this work.

Every blessing to each as we join with fellow-believers in proclaiming the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

Jack & Nancy Whytock