Haddington House Fall 2019 Newsletter now available

Dear Friends,
It is hard to believe that we are into September and the autumn season in Canada is around the corner. Thank you for your faithful prayers for a busy July and August. I have included a brief report on the activities for the month of August and the wonderful blessing this month was.

We covet your prayers for the fall and early winter. The best way to summarize it is to say that it looks like it will require a great deal of multi-tasking! May the Lord grant His enablement and blessing.

I have been reflecting over something which I heard Dr. Andrew McGowan (Rutherford House, Scotland) say when he was doing a seminar in Jakarta, “The last 50 years society has had more impact on the Church than the Church on society”. The context was responding to the spiritual condition of Europe. What a statement. I thought of it as it applies to teaching and training future Christian leaders. We need to know the Word of God and know that it is our source of authority, but we also must be able to apply it well as light into the world. We cannot retreat nor can we forget our identity and authority basis as we engage with the world. It has always been this way; as in the days of Daniel, so today.

In Gospel Bonds,

Jack Whytock, Director

The Fall 2019 Newsletter is available here.