Theological Education in the Era of Covid-19

Dear Friends,

I want to share a blog post with you that has blessed me in the current context of Covid-19 and theological training. It was written by Dr Graham Cheesman of Belfast, Northern Ireland on his Teaching Theology blog site.

Theological educators have been reminded over the last 13 months that the mode of delivery may change, but, as Dr. Graham Cheesman has written, “what we are delivering needs to be preserved.” The Lord we serve and declare does not change!

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Dr. Graham Cheesman

You can access Dr. Cheesman’s post here.

Please continue to pray for theological training and education at this time. Many strains and stresses have been added, but we serve a faithful, unchanging, and glorious God. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13: 8.

Jack Whytock, Director

Fall Prayer Points

Dear Friends, 

As a follow-up to the August, 2020 Number 40 Newsletter here are prayer points for the fall:

1. Please pray for the online courses and in class courses being taught this fall by our Director that these will go well and will prove a blessing – especially for students learning online for the first time due to the pandemic.

2. We rejoice and thank the Lord for 34 writers now signed on for the Africa Textbook Project. We are still seeking two more writers. Please pray that they may soon be found. Please also pray for the editing work which is on-going.

3. Pray for the Haddington House ministry seminars planned for this November which will focus upon local leadership.

4. Pray for the editorial work this fall on the 2021 Journal and pray for all the writers now completing their work.

Rev. Jack C. Whytock, Ph.D., Director

Haddington House

For such a time as this: Zwingli’s Song or Prayer of the Plague 1519

At the Beginning of the Illness

Help, Lord God, help

In this trouble!

I think Death is at the door.

Stand before me, Christ;

For Thou hast overcome him!

To Thee I cry:

If it is Thy will,

Take out the dart,

Which wounds me

Nor lets me have an hour’s

Rest or repose!

Will’st Thou however

That Death take me

In the midst of my days,

So let it be!

Do what Thou wilt;

Me nothing lacks.

Thy vessel am I;

To make or break altogether.

For, if Thou takest away

My Spirit

From this earth,

Thou dost it, that it may not grow worse,

Nor spot

The pious lives and ways of others.

In the Midst of the Illness

Console me, Lord God, console me!

The illness increases,

Pain and fear seize

My soul and body.

Come to me then,

With Thy grace, O my only consolation!

It will surely save

Everyone, who

His heart’s desire

And hopes sets

On Thee, and who besides

Despises all gain and loss.

Now all is up.

My tongue is dumb,

It cannot speak a word.

My sense are all blighted.

Therefore it is time

That Thou my fight

Conductest hereafter;

Since I am not

So strong, that I

Can bravely

Make resistance

To the Devil’s wiles and treacherous hand.

Still will my spirit

Constantly abide by Thee, however he rages.

At the End of the Sickness

Sound, Lord God, sound!

I think I am

Already coming back.

Yes, if it please Thee,

That no spark of sin

Rule me longer on earth.

Then my lips must

Thy praise and teaching

Bespeak more

Than ever before,

However it may go,

In simplicity and with no danger.

Although I must

The punishment of death

Sometime endure,

Perhaps with greater anguish

Then would now have

Happened, Lord!

Since I came

So near;

So will I still

The spite and boasting

Of this world

Bear joyfully for the sake of the reward

By Thy help,

Without which nothing can be perfect.

Zwingli, Huldreich. The Latin Works and The Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli: Together with Selections from His German Works. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. Translated by Henry Preble, Walter Lichtenstein, and Lawrence A. McLouth. Vol. 1. New York; London: G. P. Putnam’s Sons; Knickerbocker Press, 1912.