The August 28th, 2022 evening service of the United Reformed Church of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Dr. Jack Whytock preaching. Hymn singing from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal. Scripture reading from the ESV English Standard Version.
Prayer before the Sermon… “Grant us edification, direction, and clarification”.
The Sermon… The Basis of our forgiveness; the Evidence of being forgiven; the Issue of the heart.
Forgiveness —
- Forgiveness is all of God’s free sovereign grace. Not a work, a purchase, an attitude.
- It is not a merit in ourselves. Psalm 51. Our sins are against God and we cannot make satisfaction for them. Christ must bear our sins. It is by his merit, not ours; we must place our faith in him.
- Synonyms – pardon, remit, send away, bury, wash away, clean over…
- A distinction between this and water baptism.
- The child of God can know this forgiveness.
Evidence of Forgiveness —
- Forgiving others is the great mark of being forgiven. We are weak, frail, sinful – need to be pitiful towards others who are as we once were.
- Paco the Spanish son story...
The Issue of The Heart —
- Ephesians 4, etc. Put on kindness, forgiveness, and gentleness. There’s a lot of garbage in our hearts that must be dealt with. One is converted, receives a new heart, and is born anew of the Holy Spirit. But the gospel of grace does not deal with everything immediately. There’s a lifetime for the Lord to do work, do cleaning, and bring about fundamental change.
- Forgiveness must be wholehearted.
- Is there a root of bitterness in you?
- There is a difference between forgiveness of the heart and reconciliation with a person.
- It is better to forgive the bitternesses of the past than to let them destroy your life. The tempter will tell you to hold on to it and will say “you are right and they are wrong” Scripture says let go. Forgive from your heart. Do not cling to the tree of bitterness. Cut it down. Let it go. And your joy and freedom will be restored.