Fall Prayer Points

Dear Friends, 

As a follow-up to the August, 2020 Number 40 Newsletter here are prayer points for the fall:

1. Please pray for the online courses and in class courses being taught this fall by our Director that these will go well and will prove a blessing – especially for students learning online for the first time due to the pandemic.

2. We rejoice and thank the Lord for 34 writers now signed on for the Africa Textbook Project. We are still seeking two more writers. Please pray that they may soon be found. Please also pray for the editing work which is on-going.

3. Pray for the Haddington House ministry seminars planned for this November which will focus upon local leadership.

4. Pray for the editorial work this fall on the 2021 Journal and pray for all the writers now completing their work.

Rev. Jack C. Whytock, Ph.D., Director

Haddington House

Haddington House Summer 2020 Newsletter

The latest Haddington House Newsletter is now available. Click here.

“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever…” Psalm 125:1

Dear Friends,

As the famous line goes, “the best-laid plans of mice and men go often astray”*, and I am sure that is descriptive of the experience of many of you this summer and as we go into the fall. Yet, as believers, we see things differently under the Lord’s almighty sovereign ways, and thus we proceed with confidence under His reigning authority.

What follows below are our ‘adjustments’ for the remainder of this year. May your adjustments also be met with the confidence that the Lord’s grace is sufficient and is truly renewed daily.

In Gospel Bonds,
Jack Whytock, Director

* “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley” — from “To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest With the Plough”, a Scots-language poem written by Robert Burns in 1785

For the latest Haddington House Newsletter, click here.

Historic Day in Canadian Church History: 250th Anniversary, July 3rd, 1770

At Mather’s Meeting House Halifax, Nova Scotia the first Presbyterian Ordination service took place in Canada. Rev. Bruin Comingo was ordained that day for the German Calvinistic Presbyterian congregations in the Lunenburg area.

Rev. Bruin Comingo
“The Governor’s-House and St. Mather’s Meeting House in Holles [sic] Street looking up George Street at Halifax in Nova-Scotia”, 1759. Source: Nova Scotia Archives